
Did You Find a Large Crack in Your Asphalt Driveway?

Depend on us for crack sealing services in Acworth, Marietta, Woodstock or surrounding areas

If you want to give your asphalt surfaces a fresh, smooth look, reach out to us. H&H Paving offers crack sealing services to homeowners and business owners in and around the Acworth, Marietta & Woodstock area. Once we’re done sealing the cracks, you’ll love the way your asphalt surfaces look.

Schedule crack sealing services by calling us at 678-592-8991 now.

A close up of a black asphalt road with trees in the background
A parking lot with a building in the background at night

 Give your asphalt surfaces an extra layer of protection

When you turn to us for sealcoating services, our capable crew will help you determine what sealcoating option works best for your property. Our sealcoating options include:


• Made from a high-quality liquid asphalt and applied with a specialized machine

• Drys within 24 hours

• Can last for up to three years

Slurry seal

• Made from a cold mix paving treatment that's thicker than sealcoat

• Drys within 24 hours

• Can last for up to three years depending on the traffic

Do you want to protect your asphalt against oil stains and extreme weather? Contact us today to arrange for sealcoating services.

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